We aim to dispatch stock parts on the same day as order if placed before 3pm. Our standard delivery time is 48 hours however, on average, we achieve 95% of deliveries next day (location dependent). Deliveries are made between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Non-stock, special order, delivery lead times will be quoted per order.

You can make special delivery requests when you place the order. This can include specific delivery day (Monday to Friday) and specific delivery location (next door etc..) Delivery time slot can be accommodated at extra cost.

Our carrier will contact you if the driver is unable to locate your property. Under normal circumstances the driver will require a signature to release the goods. If you are out, a card will be left giving re-delivery / collection instructions.

Delivery Charges
Mainland UK is charged £6.00 per delivery (exc VAT)

Scottish Highlands & Northern Ireland is charged at £15.60 per delivery (exc VAT)

(Post Code Areas PA / PH / AB / IV / KW / BT)

Eire & Island is charged at £19.00 per delivery (exc VAT)

(Eire & Islands Post Code Areas IM / GY9 / ZE1-3 / HS1-9 / KW1 & KW15-17 / EIRE

Order / Delivery Information
Upon receipt of your order you will be sent a confirmation email, acknowledging the order and giving stock availability information. You will also be sent a further email confirming dispatch of your order.